Do any of you quilters ever get the feeling that your scraps breed if you leave them alone in the dark? I'm sure mine do. I bought 6 plastic tubs quite a few years ago and use them to store my scraps, loosely sorted into colour groups. Blues, greens, yellows/oranges/red/browns, creams, blacks/whites, novelties. They are all full to overflowing so I also have a small rubbish bin that is stuffed with the scraps that won't fit in the plastic tubs. (Does this sound familiar?)
Last week I emptied out the yellow/orange/red/brown tub, put the larger pieces back in (plastic tub is half full again) and ironed the rest. I cut all the ironed pieces into strips, squares or rectangles depending on size and shape and decided to sew them into blocks. I'm just stitching 2 small bits together, then a bigger bit and then another bit, etc. I didn't count the blocks as I started them. When I'd sewn about 4 pieces together on each block I counted them and found there were 78 blocks! AND enough pieces to make them at least 12" each. I'll be able to carpet the house with them...and this is only one tub of scraps out of the six...
I haven't taken any photos yet, but I will tomorrow. I have taken some photos of some of the hand dyed fabric I have left from when I used to dye and sell it. I also have heaps of dye and a full roll of white pfd fabric so might have to dye some more this summer. I haven't decided what to make out of this fabric yet. There are fat quarters, eighths, little rolls of four 8" squares and 3.5" charm packs. (Also, another BIG plastic tub full of scraps!) Any ideas, anyone?

Last week I emptied out the yellow/orange/red/brown tub, put the larger pieces back in (plastic tub is half full again) and ironed the rest. I cut all the ironed pieces into strips, squares or rectangles depending on size and shape and decided to sew them into blocks. I'm just stitching 2 small bits together, then a bigger bit and then another bit, etc. I didn't count the blocks as I started them. When I'd sewn about 4 pieces together on each block I counted them and found there were 78 blocks! AND enough pieces to make them at least 12" each. I'll be able to carpet the house with them...and this is only one tub of scraps out of the six...
I haven't taken any photos yet, but I will tomorrow. I have taken some photos of some of the hand dyed fabric I have left from when I used to dye and sell it. I also have heaps of dye and a full roll of white pfd fabric so might have to dye some more this summer. I haven't decided what to make out of this fabric yet. There are fat quarters, eighths, little rolls of four 8" squares and 3.5" charm packs. (Also, another BIG plastic tub full of scraps!) Any ideas, anyone?

Are you willing to sell some of it privately?? I've been looking for some soft/pastel hand-dyeds for a baby quilt....I'd be interested in the FQs or 8ths...
Re your small scraps.....Yesterday I was shown how to make a mini border to frame a mariner's compass or suchlike using all the scraps. Take a length of muslin about 2 inches wide and then stitch the scraps on using the 'stitch and flip' method like a crazy patchwork pattern. When desired length, trim both sides back to the muslin width and 'hey presto'....a lovely mini border to frame your work using the fabrics in the main pattern.
I hope you can follow this?
Sunshine Coast
Oh My... I feel so rude....I lost the link to your blog and have now found it again...I'm still interested in the hand dyes...I'm sending you an sorry for the delay!!
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