This one makes me laugh every time I look at it. The challenge for my Chooseday Chaleenge group this month was 'bird' so I decided to combine that with a journal. It look like a very startled quail. The design was originally taken from 1000 year old North American Indian pottery, but I think it lost something in the translation...
The next one was made from a bit of brown wrapping paper, some tea dyed string and a wooden toggle that came with a jar of buttons from a thrift shop. I think this is one of my favourites.
This colurful journal is actually a sketch book. It has binder rings that open if you need to add more paper to it. The cord is made on the sewing machine from 4 different yarns that I had little bits of.
This one I made just for myself.
This one I made for my sister Keryn. It was fun to do. Actually I think the most fun part was making tags, and finding quotes and other bits and pieces to put in it.
I'm going to a 4 day quilt retreat starting on the 15th May so I might make up some journal 'kits' to take with me. If I precut everything that I'll need, that will save time. It also means that I will only need to take half the amount of stuff. I want to make some atc's while I'm there too, and just maybe I should also take something that is actually quilt-related?
Your sketchbooks are awesome! I have to same batik fabric in that second one. It's one of my favorite fabrics and it was perfect for that sketchbook!
great journals! that class looks like a lot of fun.
Thanks Vicki and Suzanne. I'm really enjoying making these. My longarm has been sadly neglected for the last couple of months.
They are wonderful! I've been neglecting my longarm recently, too, and making lots of journals. Everyone I know will be getting one for Christmas!
These are very cool!
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