The 'tribal dancer' quilt started out as a piece of calico that I used as mop-up cloth when I was palying with some acrylic paint. I mopped up paint drips and cleaned the paint brushes on it. It didn't look too bad when I'd finished so I added some more paint and stamped it with rubber stamps, but then I didn't know what to do with it so it sat on a shelf for a couple of months. I liked the tribal dancer stamp so I enlarged the design and use if for the applique motif in the centre. It's quilted to death but the quilting was the most fun part!
I like to see the backs of quilts as much as the front (well, that's if the backing fabric isn't too busy) so here's the back.
Some of my medication comes in these white boxes, so I get a new one every couple of months. A quilt magazine will fit neatly in them so they're a useful size. I've given heaps of them away but still have 8-9 in the studio. I decided to try out some paint on one of them to see how it looked. Oen problem was that the pharmacist had written my name in black pen, which the paint didn't cover. My sister Rose and Mum were visiting at the time, and Rose suggested putting some flowers or something on to cover up the writing, so I did.
Mum asked if she could have one of the boxes to put some stuff in so I gave her this one. If I'd kept it I would have done a few more layers of paint or similar to it, but I have plenty more to play with yet.
you give those boxes AWAY? Cat you're kidding right? I mean what about that quilter gene that makes it physically impossible to throw out anything that remotely looks like it could be used for storage?
My kids live 2 hours away from me and they STILL ring and ask if I want their shoeboxes !!
and btw love the paint job on the box and love the dancer quilt even more
Thanks for the comment, Susan. Yes I gave some away but I still have 8 or 9 of them. They are about the same size as a shoe box but a bit deeper - very useful but take up a bit of room.
the dancer quilt is great! I love the "bonus" fabrics i get when mopping up the remains from dyeing and painting. Your quilting is exquisite. (And - love the boxes!! please post more as you do them!)- gale, in florida/usa
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