This one makes me laugh every time I look at it. The challenge for my Chooseday Chaleenge group this month was 'bird' so I decided to combine that with a journal. It look like a very startled quail. The design was originally taken from 1000 year old North American Indian pottery, but I think it lost something in the translation...
The next one was made from a bit of brown wrapping paper, some tea dyed string and a wooden toggle that came with a jar of buttons from a thrift shop. I think this is one of my favourites.
This colurful journal is actually a sketch book. It has binder rings that open if you need to add more paper to it. The cord is made on the sewing machine from 4 different yarns that I had little bits of.
This one I made just for myself.
This one I made for my sister Keryn. It was fun to do. Actually I think the most fun part was making tags, and finding quotes and other bits and pieces to put in it.
I'm going to a 4 day quilt retreat starting on the 15th May so I might make up some journal 'kits' to take with me. If I precut everything that I'll need, that will save time. It also means that I will only need to take half the amount of stuff. I want to make some atc's while I'm there too, and just maybe I should also take something that is actually quilt-related?